
Suchergebnisse 1-2 von insgesamt 2.

  • base64 decoding hacken

    -silver- - - PHP


    im not hacking it......i bought this theme from kenetix but now i changed the domain so i have to decode this file to insert my new domain. i sent an email to kenetix but i does not reply yet i think the password is the second half of the message because it says $code_lock let me know bye

  • base64 decoding hacken

    -silver- - - PHP


    hi all! im an italian guy and i hope you will be not ugly with me i hace to decode this string Zitat: „eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('DZVHsoPalgWnUr3/XtDA...5tUw43WK6zQ+dWlkPVbVrLJ9aclPCkn8Sh6PDRLooh0/ve///n333//93/+Hw=='))); “ it is half part with the gzinflate base64 and half part only in base64 i tried for 6 hours to decode it but nothing!! who can tell me what this string says?? thanx