library directories

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  • library directories

    Hi, I'm beginning to learn programming in C#, C++ and the .NET environment with Visual Studio 2005.

    Now, I also want to include another software that is supposedly able to interface with C++. The other software has include (.h) and library (.lib) files.

    The lib-files are in the directory:

    I have added this path to the Visual Studio project with tools/options/
    projects and solutions/VC++ directories/show directories: library files.
    By using the file browser [...] for selecting the directory, I've made sure there is no typo.

    When I want to compile in debug mode (and in release mode, too), I get the error message:
    ..\..\Program_Files\ProgramA\extern\lib\file1.lib not found

    That is, the project searches for a directory (Program_Files instead of Programs) which does not exist.

    Where can I define the proper file path for the lib-directories? Which could be the place which currently asks for a different file path?

    I'd really appreciate your help.