qooxdoo und Eclipse

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  • qooxdoo und Eclipse

    ich arbeite gerade mit dem Ajax application framework :: qooxdoo. Als Entwicklungstool benutze ich eine pre-package Eclipse (von yoxos).

    Mein Problem ist, dass ich die qooxdoo nicht als Libery einbinden kann bzw. ich binde es in Eclipse ein aber es kann nicht erkannt/aufgelöst werden (see screenshot).

    Bekomme folgende Fehlermeldungen:


    1. Description Resource Path Location Type
    2. The function alert(String) is undefined Application.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld line 69 JavaScript Problem
    3. The function assertEquals(Number, Number, String) is undefined for the type ___anonymous851_1579 DemoTest.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/test line 40 JavaScript Problem
    4. The function assertFalse(boolean, String) is undefined for the type ___anonymous851_1579 DemoTest.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/test line 41 JavaScript Problem
    5. The function assertIdentical(Number, Number, String) is undefined for the type ___anonymous851_1579 DemoTest.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/test line 51 JavaScript Problem
    6. The function assertInRange(Number, Number, Number, String) is undefined for the type ___anonymous851_1579 DemoTest.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/test line 52 JavaScript Problem
    7. The function base(any) is undefined for the type ___anonymous772_2002 Application.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld line 41 JavaScript Problem
    8. The function define(String, any) is undefined Appearance.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/theme line 11 JavaScript Problem
    9. The function define(String, any) is undefined Application.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld line 20 JavaScript Problem
    10. The function define(String, any) is undefined Color.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/theme line 11 JavaScript Problem
    11. The function define(String, any) is undefined Decoration.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/theme line 11 JavaScript Problem
    12. The function define(String, any) is undefined DemoTest.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/test line 23 JavaScript Problem
    13. The function define(String, any) is undefined Font.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/theme line 11 JavaScript Problem
    14. The function define(String, any) is undefined Theme.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld/theme line 11 JavaScript Problem
    15. The function getRoot() is undefined for the type ___anonymous772_2002 Application.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld line 62 JavaScript Problem
    16. The function isSet(String, String) is undefined Application.js HelloWorld/source/class/helloworld line 44 JavaScript Problem
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    Kann mit jemand helfen?
    Wie kann ich die "qooxdoo" libs richtig einbinden?

  • Benutze kein qooxdoo, aber normalerweise werden Libraries nicht wie Ordner dargestellt. Da ist irgendwas falsch gelaufen.

    Was hast du denn bisher unternommen?
    Ich habe folgende Anleitung gefunden: qooxdoo.org/contrib/project/qxdt/usage

    New Project
    • File / New / Project...
    • JavaScript / JavaScript project
    • Create new project in workspace, choose a name, e.g. test1
    • Next>
    • In dialog JavaScript Settings / Libraries do an Add Runtime Library...
    • Choose Qooxdoo Library
    • Your new project should appear in the “JavaScript perspective”
    • Your “resource view” might not show your new project. If so, deselect Empty parent folder in the associated filters, or simple add your first JavaScript file to the project.